This document is an unofficial English translation of GB/T 26233-2010 "Information technology—Information Technology—Basic requirement for the Mongolian universal editor software".

This standard was proposed by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China.

This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Information Technology Standardization Technical Committee.

Drafting organizations of this standard: China Electronics Standardization Institute, Menksoft, Inner Mongolia Academy of Social Sciences, Inner Mongolia University, Inner Mongolia Mongolian Working Committee, Xinjiang Minority Language Committee, Huaguang Imagesetter, Founder Group, Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Minggatu.

Editors of this standard: To be listed

WPS Office, Microsoft Office, OpenOffice, and other office suites are referenced during the drafting of this standard. Screenshots of them are included in the document too. In this regard, the editors and the publisher refer to them only for the point of describing the issues, so are not responsible for copyright issues that may arise.


This standard specifies the basic requirements for general editing software using languages that use the Mongolian script, including the display, manipulation, typesetting, and basic requirements for word processing software supporting languages use the Mongolian script.

This standard applies to the general word processing and editing software supporting languages use the Mongolian script.

Terms and Definitions

The following terms and definitions apply to this standard.

Writing mode

Text layout concept, describing the form text appears in the media.

Mongolian script

The traditional Mongolian, Manchu, Xibe, and Todo writing systems.

Mongolian universal editor

General editing software supporting the Mongolian script.

Mongolian suffix

Suffixes for languages using the Mongolian script, including nominal suffixes etc.

Basic Requrirement levels and writing modes

Basic Requrirement levels

Three levels of basic requirement levels are defined: level 1 (lowest), level 2, and level 3 (highest).

The requirements listed in this standard are applicable to Mongolian editing software for different purposes, and the requirements can be tailored according to the characteristics of the software.

Writing modes

Writing mode describes the primary direction in which characters are ordered on a line and the direction in which lines stack. There are four main writing modes:

  1. Character order is left-to-right and line order is top-to-bottom, e.g., English, Chinese, Tibetan etc.
  2. Character order is right-to-left and line order is top-to-bottom, e.g., Arabic and Uyghur/Kazakh/Kyrgyz in China.
  3. Character order is top-to-bottom and line order is right-to-left, e.g., Chinese and Japanese in vertical writing mode.
  4. Character order is top-to-bottom and line order is right-to-left, e.g., the traditional Mongolian, Manchu, Xibe, and Todo writing systems.

Basic Requirements

Level 1 Requirements

Writing mode for the Mongilian script

Mongolian general editing software should support the writing mode for the Mongolian script.

Mongolian general editing software should support the vertical writing mode for the Mongolian script. shows two ways of writing from left to right and from right to left.

Writing from left to right and from right to left

In the user interface, the "writing mode" option should be provided. The default writing mode of Mongolian text should be: the characters are arranged from top to bottom, and the lines are arranged from left to right.

Text & paragraph formatting requirements

Text and paragraph formatting requirements include alignment, indentation, paragraph spacing, paging, and word spacing etc.

  1. Alignment: align top, align center, align bottom, justified etc.
  2. Indentation: before text, after text, first line, hanging etc.
  3. Paragraph spacing: before paragraph and after paragraph
  4. Paging: 段前分页, no page break within paragraph etc.
  5. Word spacing: the normal word spacing should be the width of a halfwidth space character. The distance between a symbol/number and a word is the same as the distance between words.

Default font family and font size

When typing Mongolian text, the default font should be Mongolian White and the default font size should be Size 4.

Caret movement rule

The cursor movement should meet the requirement of the phonogram characteristics of the Mongolian script.

Word boundaries

This section includes editing features, word wrapping, prohibition rules for punctuations, number/symbol protection, and forced line breaks.


  1. Editing features: double-click to select a single word, triple-click to select a single line.
  2. Word wrapping: break lines between words rather than within words.
  3. Prohibition rules for punctuations: